Day 1 – Personal Novena for the Election




The very first title in the Litany of Our Lady is the shortest and perhaps the deepest. It’s just two words, “Holy Mary”, to which the faithful respond, “Pray for us.” “Holy” is an adjective to describe Our Lady as dedicated to God. A person cannot be Holy if they are not a friend of God, and of all the friends God has, Mary is His best friend, but she is also our mother. In Latin the phrase “Holy Mary” is “Sancta Maria – or Saint Mary” which is the name of many Catholic Churches, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, and Parishes in the world, as well as rivers, roads and mountains. In Spanish the phrase is “Santa Maria” and that was the name of the boat that Christopher Columbus sailed on. We call Mary “holy” because Mary is full of grace, and grace makes us like Jesus: Holy, Holy, Holy. There’s nothing better in the world than to be in the state of grace.

Holy Mary, pray for our Church and the nation!

Choose either:
Rosary of the Day: Glorious Mysteries
Traditional 54 Day Rotation: Joyful Mysteries
Church Militant 54 Day Custom Rotation:  Joyful Mysteries


Church Militant Main Intentions

  • For the good of the Church and the nation – especially in this election, that the Woman of Genesis crushes the head of the serpent and drives out all evil from our nation and the Church; for the restoration of truth, virtue, and order to our country; for President Trump, that God protect and strengthen him and that He do God’s will faithfully


Relevant Radio Main Intentions

  • For the needs, peace and unity of the Church and nation


Life Site News Main Intentions

  • For the President Trump’s victory in this election, that the Lord God of Hosts will grant that he may know how to place himself under God’s protection and may desire to make himself the knight who fights for the just and the defender of the oppressed
  • That the snares that the invisible Enemy plots in the shadows may come into the light, and that those who want to promote vice and sin, and rebellion against the Commandments of God and the very laws of nature, be defeated
  • That the faith of children who run mourning and weeping to their Queen, may intercede for us with her Divine Son and obtain for us the grace to see our beloved American nation protected as well as the whole world, our families defended, and our adversaries defeated

lifesitenews novena

General Intentions

(These are intentions that I have asked the Lord what to pray for and have come up with these ones)

  • In reparation for all of our personal sins
  • For all souls in purgatory, for their comfort, for their relief, for their shortening of their time and for their deliverance from purgatory, especially the forgotten souls
  • For all those who are incarcerated in jails and prisons, for all parolees and probationers, and for all their families, that they are all granted the grace to repent sincerely and truly of all of their sins and crimes, experience deep conversion of heart and mind, and that they are granted the grace of perseverance serving their time.  We also pray for their complete healing and deliverance of their hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits from all physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual afflictions, infirmities, unclean spirits, unhealthy soul ties, wounds, and bondages. We also pray for the victims of all crimes, for their healing and deliverance, and that they are granted the justice they need.
  • For President Trump, for all Governors, Lieutenant Governors, Mayors, Representatives, Senators, and all leaders, civil servants, and employees of the local, state, and federal government, that the Lord grant them the wisdom, the guidance, and the direction that they need to guide their respective governments with liberty and justice for all, and that they experience deep conversion of heart and mind, repentance of all their sins, especially for those under the influence of Satan.  We pray that all of them are delivered and freed from Satan and all evil spirits.
  • For all members of law enforcement, both local, state, and federal, for their protection, guidance and direction, that they use their authority to serve and protect their respective jurisdictions and our country.  May they fight the injustices, the evils of the land, and may they be guided by the Holy Spirit at all times.

Personal Intentions

  • Your own personal intentions

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