Tag Archives: Sacraments

5th Sunday of Lent


  • 1st Reading:  Jeremiah 31:31-34 – God promises a new covenant with Israel and Judah, different from the old.  He will write His laws in their hearts, be their God, and they, His people.  All will know Him and be forgiven.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 – A prayer for God’s mercy and forgiveness.
  • 2nd Reading:  Hebrews 5:7-9 – Jesus Christ, during His time on earth, earnestly prayed to the Father, and was heard for His deep reverence.  Through suffering, He learned obedience, becoming the source of eternal salvation for His followers.
  • Gospel Reading:  John 12:20-33 – When some Greeks sought Jesus during Passover, He spoke of His impending death, likening it to a grain of wheat tha tmust die to produce many seeds.  He emphasized self-denial for eternal life and the honor given to those who serve Him.  Jesus, troubled, chose to glorify God’s name over seeking rescue.  A divine voice affirmed this, leading to varied interpretations among the crowd.  Jesus explained His crucifixion would judge the world and draw all to Himself, revealing the nature of His death.

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